
MonMX 5.01 – A software upgrade with smart new features

MonMX 5.01 – A software upgrade with smart new features

MonMX is the recording software for all SENSYS multi-channel applications including MXPDA and EMD2.

With the latest version extensive improvements in the areas of navigation, project management and operation have been implemented. Also behind the scenes there have been some enhancements. For example, now the software is capable of receiving position messages that arrive more often than once per second.

Do you often measure under conditions with insufficient or unstable position information?

This is where the new “Advanced MX Mode” will help. Previously the recording stopped if the GPS signal was bad or lost. In the extended MX mode the measurement is continued and after the position information is recovered, missing coordinates are added. The new version offers you a mode for marking obstacles for which you can display, name, save and export the position by yourself.

Behalten Sie die Hände am Gerät und lassen Sie die Messung durch Keep your hands on the device and let the measurement start and stop by created/imported shapes. Of course the operation via the touch display is further supported. Also new in this version: You can move the display of the navigation screen to any desired point, in previous versions the position of your measuring device was always centered.

No GPS? No problem! MonMX also supports measurement with local coordinates.

Since life is complicated enough, we have tried to make it easy for you: There will be only one software for all our multi-channel systems, whether they are used on land or underwater.

MonMX 5.01 – Free upgrade for versions after 20.04.2020

If you have a system with a tablet computer and MonMX 4 or early versions of MonMX5, an upgrade is simple. If you received your system after April 20, 2020, you are eligible for a free upgrade. But even if your system is not equipped with a tablet computer but with a MESA PDA, there is a way. You can upgrade to the new software by replacing the PDA with a fast, rugged tablet computer.

On the product page under Downloads you will find all details in one PDF. Please do not hesitate to contact us personally. We look forward to your inquiry.


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