“The Sensys multi-channel magnetometer cart system is without a doubt the most efficient means of archaeo-geophysical survey I have ever had the pleasure of using. I was able to comfortably cover over 23,000m in just a few days at a data resolution far denser than would be possible with other hand-held magnetometers. The MXPDA is lightweight, simple to assemble, and most importantly, intuitive. The PDA is easy to navigate, and the software for post-processing and analysis is the most user-friendly geophysical package I’ve ever worked with. In a few hours I was able to teach my self to assemble the system; in a few days I completed my survey; and in a matter of minutes I was able to look at my results. Thanks to Sensys, my Master’s thesis will not only be a meaningful contribution to the archaeology of Labrador, but a novel one as well. I stand by Sensys, their products, and their superb customer service and recommend their MXPDA magnetometer cart for any archaeological survey that demands precision in the most time-saving package available. Best, Allan Wolfrum”
A great experience by Allan using the MXPDA for his master project at the Memorial University of Newfoundland. SENSYS currently has MXPDA systems for hire with Archaeo-Physics, LLC and the East Tennessee State University. Get in contact with us to learn more about your hire possibilities!