
Product demonstration at the EOD Academy

Product demonstration at the EOD Academy

Our SENSYS team for drone and vehicle based large area field surveys was invited to Bavaria by the EOD Academy in the course of a technology demonstration. In front of an international audience, leading manufacturers of detector and measurement solutions were to present current products and methods of data collection in the field.

SENSYS showcased the 16-sensor system MX V3 for pulling, as well as its 5-sensor drone MagDrone R4 solution. In waist-high grass, the MX V3 system with RTK DGPS towed by an ATV was first explained and demonstrated. Collected measurement data from an area of 1,300m² could be shown within 5 minutes with MAGNETO as color coded map. Subsequently, the area was flown within a few minutes with the MagDrone R4 in two heights. Here, too, the measurement data were shown directly in the form of a color map.

All of the previously inserted test objects (anti-tank mine, tail unit, illuminated grenade, etc.) were detected.

The aim of our solutions lies in the reliable detection of ferromagnetic bodies under harsh conditions by means of simple operation of the measuring instruments. Customers worldwide appreciate not only the quality of our products, but especially our intensive 24/7 support!


That wasn’t enough information? Then don’t hesitate to contact our expert for Airborne & Remote Platforms Markus Schikorra. Directly via LinkedInchat, phone or email.

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