
Optimizing UXO Detection – How To

SENSYS FGM3D_UW - UXO Cleanup, Fluxgate magnetometer -en

Optimizing UXO Detection – How To

UXO explosive ordnance disposal: The exclusive interview for the Sea Technology Magazine

October, 2022: SENSYS Manager Wolfgang Süss was interviewed together with the CEO of Subsea Europe Services GmbH Sören Themann for the English-language magazine Sea Technology on the topic “Optimization of UXO Detection”. This magazine is the “[…] authoritative international source of information for the maritime world […]” and thus defines itself as the world’s leading information medium for the maritime industry, science and technology. Its mission is to provide the global audience with up-to-date information on the various segments of the worldwide shipping and maritime industry.

Millions of tons of ammunition in the water are currently a red-hot topic

With 1.6 million tons of munitions in the North and Baltic Seas, there is much to be done to save the maritime world and civilization from detonations, but also from pollution of our waters. Together with Subsea Europe Services and SENSYS – Magnetometers & Survey Solutions, an article was created in Sea Technology Magazine highlighting future approaches for more efficient logistics and more autonomous ways of scanning and detecting UXO, but also other buried or hidden objects and infrastructure.

Read all about “Optimizing UXO Detection” HERE (Issue November 2022, page 26).

For questions and more details please contact Sören Themann (CEO of Subsea Europe Services GmbH) and Gorden Konieczek , (Application Engineer at SENSYS).


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