In 2024, the Kurd Qaburstan Project of UCF in Iraq made significant progress in researching the Middle Bronze Age city (circa 1800 BCE). The fieldwork included excavations, intensive surface surveys, and geophysical investigations. A key focus was the application of advanced SENSYS technology to obtain a detailed picture of the urban structure.
The geophysical surveys, utilizing the hand-pushed MX V4, enabled the team to identify dense residential areas and street layouts. These non-invasive methods provided valuable insights into urban planning and helped define targeted excavation sites.
The integration of SENSYS technology into the geophysical investigations of the Kurd Qaburstan Project highlights the importance of modern techniques and magnetometry in archaeology. By employing such advanced methods, archaeologists can gain a more comprehensive understanding of ancient civilizations while preserving the integrity of excavation sites.
The results of these investigations significantly contribute to the knowledge of the city of Kurd Qaburstan and provide valuable insights into urban development during the Middle Bronze Age.
Check the project website to see a magnetic map of the area and our system in action.
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