
Unexploded Ordnance / UXO


Depending on the field conditions SENSYS is supplying suitable UXO detection tools for its clients.


With our software raw data from the field gets precisely, fast and reliable processed to detect suspicious objects in the ground.


Our survey solutions help to gather and process field information to ensure an efficient clearance of UXO off the ground.

Protection of Human Life

SENSYS offers a wide range of active and passive survey systems for aerial, area and underwater survey, as well as borehole measurements to search for and detect unexploded ordnance in the ground.

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Searching for Unexploded Ordnance

Today, we are still facing a lot of hazards and secrets below our feet and in the water. Buried explosive remnants of war are a part of our historical activities from wars, arming and their left overs.

Even today we are still facing a waste amount of UXO’s in the ground, despite clearance activities that were carried out in the past. Not less than 1.9 million tons of bombs and ammunition were dropped over Germany during World War II. 70 years later, thousands of UXO are still remaining in the ground. As the fuses of these UXO’s are aging, this might result in uncontrolled detonations.

In addition, military shooting and training ranges and the continuation of conflict and war activities in the world keep the topic of UXO detection and clearance very present. Ruggedized and flexible equipment is needed when detecting bombs, ammunition and hazardous waste in the ground or under water. The equipment needs to suit the survey area and to enable the operator to clearly separate the detected objects.


For those tasks, SENSYS offers a wide range of active (electromagnetic) and passive (magnetic) detection solutions. Historically, detection was done by hand walking the ground and doing pinpointing for example using our handheld device SBL10.

As battlefields and shooting ranges are of large size, a multi-channel system with a highly accurate RTK GPS like the SENSYS magnetometer systems MXPDA and MX as well as the TDEM system AMOS and EMD are the preferred choice. They are helping to gain faster survey coverage without jeopardizing data density and information. Especially on mined areas, steep slopes or inaccessible terrain an aerial solution like the UAV kit SENSYS MagDrone comes into the game. Furthermore, drilling and borehole applications like the BM or the MagCone are of importance when several meters land refill is hiding UXOs deeply.

The problem of UXOs continue into water and with the rise of wind farms and offshore infrastructure a demand for search and clearance came up which SENSYS answers with diver tools like the DBL15 or the ROV mounted MX3D UW multi-channel solution.

Our Products in UXO